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Re: Tempi verbali (tenses) inglese

MessaggioInviato: 19/03/2021, 16:28
da gio73
anonymous_f3d38a ha scritto:
I haven't seen a videogame in (at least) six years!

I am not as good as Ghira... But I would have written for

By the way
Were you a good player?
Which were your favorite games?

I have never enjoyed videogames
I prefer TV series, puzzles, recreational math
I had done boxe for a few years but I stopped because of the pandemic.

Now I am rereading "una storia semplice" written by Leonardo Sciascia because it is been a century since he was born.

Re: Tempi verbali (tenses) inglese

MessaggioInviato: 19/03/2021, 18:38
da ghira
gio73 ha scritto:
anonymous_f3d38a ha scritto:
I haven't seen a videogame in (at least) six years!

I am not as good as Ghira... But I would have written for

"for" and "in" both exist. Using Google I get 1.25 million hits for "haven't done it for years" and 591k for "haven't done it in years".
But with "hasn't" instead of "haven't", "in" is more popular. Curious.

If Swan says anything about this, I haven't managed to find it yet. Swan ("Practical English Usage") is generally
very useful for situations like this.

I think I'd spontanously say "for". My immediate reaction is that maybe "in" is informal and/or more likely to be used in speech than writing, but that could be nonsense.

Adding "" cuts the numbers of hits down to 4 for "for" and 1 for "in". Maybe the contraction is to blame?
Some people don't like contractions in formal writing. (This forum isn't formal.)

"not done it for years" gets 1 hit on the bbc vs 0 for "not done it in years".

One to watch/listen out for. Who uses "for" and "in"? When are they speaking or writing? I'll try to pay attention to this for a while.