Problema di combinatoria

Messaggioda randomUser123 » 10/12/2019, 23:40

Ciao a tutti, ho postato questa domanda in MSE che ho pensato di riproporre in questo forum (visto che di risposte non se ne sono viste molte, per adesso). Riporto il testo, spero l'inglese non sia un problema:

I'm looking for ways to simplify the following combinatorial expression: $$S=\sum_{ij}^d\sum_{y\in\{0,1\}^d}2|y|X_{ij}(-1)^{y^j+y^i},$$ where the second sum is over all vectors $y$ of lenght $d$ made of only $0$'s and $1$'s (for a total of $2^d$ possibilities), $|y|$ represents the weight of the vector (i.e. the sum of all the $1$'s in it), $X_{ij}$ is a self-adjoint matrix such that $\text{Tr}(X)=1$, and $y^i$ is the $i-$th component of the vector.

The case $i=j$ may be treated separately: since $(-1)^{2y^i}=1$ and $|y|=\{0,...,d\}$ with multiplicity \(\binom{d}{|y|}\) the sum can be factorized and computed as $$2\left(\sum_i X_{ii}^d\right)\left(\sum_{|y|=1}^{d}|y|\binom{d}{|y|}\right)=2^dd.$$ For the case $i\ne j$ it seems harder to derive a simple expression depending only on the off-diagonal elements of $X$. Can anyone give me a hint?

Non cerco soluzioni complete, ma qualche suggerimento. Grazie.

P.S. Non so se questa sezione sia quella giusta, nel caso chiedo scusa.
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Iscritto il: 10/12/2019, 23:23

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