Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda pepp1995 » 20/06/2016, 19:06

Circa 3 anni fa ho conseguito un Trinity GESE ( cioè only spoken) B1.1

Oggi, sono andato al trinity college ( che ho scoperto essere anche Cambridge ) per prendere una certificazione ISE B2 ed il tizio mi fa : "Guardi che il trinity non vale , le serve il Cambridge"
Tralasciando la stangata dei 1800 "euri" :shock: , mi è stato detto che ci sarà un colloquio d'accesso iniziale per stabilire la mia preparazione e LORO decideranno a che corso dovrò far parte.

Domanda: come posso prepararmi a questo colloquio iniziale ??

Grazie per le risposte =)
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Re: Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda vict85 » 21/06/2016, 15:34

Che io sappia, il trinity college di Londra non ha nulla a che fare con il trinity college di Cambridge (che fa parte dell'università di Cambridge).

Sulla preparazione non so, è solo di inglese?
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Re: Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda Margaret Bailey » 06/12/2016, 07:52

Joining any course now required some talent in writing as well.. They sometimes conduct essay writing inorder to make admission into certain college and university. But I am not sure that all o them do. But Ihave heard about colleges that conduct too. SO I was told that you can get help in writing from Reviews of assignment writing service I guess they will help.
Margaret Bailey
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Re: Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda gio73 » 13/12/2016, 18:03

Hi pepp
do you need just the certificate B2?
I think you are allowed to do just the exam: if you pass, you will get the certificate, otherwise you won't.
The exam costs about 200 euros. I think it's cheaper than 1800 euros, isn't it?

I'm going to get b2, too.
To improve my listenig skill I watch American TV series, now I am watching "eyewitness": have you ever seen it?
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Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 14:41

Re: Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda MisterK » 15/12/2016, 18:16

I join you because I'm studying for the FCE.
gio73 are you studying on your own or with a teacher ?
I improve my listening skill by doing listening papers of practice tests. My typical score is 23/30 for the listening paper. I think I need to make more improvements. In my opinion listening American series is not so useful, because in the exam you'll listen to British English that is quite different from American English. I'm not sure training with American English may help. Take into account that the American English accent is probably easier to understand. If you are used to American English accent you might find the listening part harder than you expect.
What about the other papers ?
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Re: Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda gio73 » 21/12/2016, 15:22

Hi mister k
I am studying on my own, but few months before the exam I gonna take some lessons from a mother tongue teacher (Renata, a friend of mine in associazione italo/britannica), she's got a nice British accent
I like tv drama, so I watch them to enjoy myself, I have also seen "Barracuda" from Australia
American tv shows are nicer and easier to understand than other countries ones (especially those from England, English people speak in their nose!, from UK I saw "London Spy" and a little bit from Sherlock Holmes)
I think papers are boring, so I do that practice just near the exam.
Anyway, IMHO if I could understand everything from a TV show (American, Australian...whatever), I'd be able to pass listening test in B2 level
Messaggio: 4758 di 12016
Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 14:41

Re: Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda MisterK » 21/12/2016, 17:36

gio73 ha scritto:Hi mister k

I like tv drama, so I watch them to enjoy myself, I have also seen "Barracuda" from Australia
American tv shows are nicer and easier to understand than other countries ones (especially those from England, English people speak in their nose!

I used to watch "Prison break". I think you know it. It gave me some help to understand English spoken. According to me it's important you like a series you're going to see.

gio73 ha scritto: from UK I saw "London Spy" and a little bit from Sherlock Holmes)

Wow! So did I. I saw a few episodes of sherlock Holmes, and it's not so easy to understand at all, because of the top speed Sherlock himself always speak at !
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Re: Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda gio73 » 22/12/2016, 14:55

Hi Mister K
I saw Prison break years ago, every season, but my favourite was the first.
Suggest me some serie, plz. I think we have the same taste!

I am reading Sherlock Holmes, too. I have got a e-reader with integrated dictionary, so it's easy reading.
From American literature I love Asimov, tell me about your fave writers.
Messaggio: 4759 di 12016
Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 14:41

Re: Colloquio di ingresso Cambridge

Messaggioda MisterK » 23/12/2016, 23:23

I saw Prison break years ago, every season, but my favourite was the first.

Did you ? Really ? It's one of the series I like the most over the last years. I remember when I ran across Prison Break on TV. It was the first season and I found it very intriguing at once. I love the second and the fourth season as well. Brilliant actors, it's wonderfully shot.
You may like Downton Abbey. it's a good series, with well-known actors. The plot is funny and I think it's likely to draw your attention. The most of actors have a British accent, quite similar to FCE listening papers.
Talking about books, I've read some novels and short stories of Fitzgerald's, such as The great Gatsby, The strange case of Benjamin Button . They're challenging readings, very well-written. I think they fit you. Moreover, you can have a look at The old man and the sea, by Hemingway. It's a world famous short novel, that won the nobel prize. I enjoyed it. Highly recommended.
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Iscritto il: 14/03/2015, 12:38

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