Why primitive groups?

Messaggioda Martino » 06/01/2012, 22:49

Hi everyone!

I would like to talk about an useful class of groups: that of primitive groups. I want to show why this class is important in group theory. I will assume that you know what actions of groups on sets are.

Let \( \displaystyle A,B \) be two sets, \( \displaystyle n \) a positive integer and let \( \displaystyle f: A^n \to B \) be a function (here \( \displaystyle A^n = A \times A \times ... \times A \) is the \( \displaystyle n \) -folded cartesian power of \( \displaystyle A \) ). A naive question is the following (cf. Cameron, "Permutation Groups", section 4.10):

(1) How many distinct values can \( \displaystyle f \) take?

Let us re-formulate the problem in order to make it clearer. Fix \( \displaystyle n \) elements \( \displaystyle a_1,...,a_n \in A \) . How many values do we get by applying \( \displaystyle f \) to the \( \displaystyle n \) -tuples obtained by permuting \( \displaystyle a_1,...,a_n \) in all possible ways? In other words, what is the cardinality of the set \( \displaystyle D := \{f(a_{\sigma(1)},...,a_{\sigma(n)})\ |\ \sigma \in S_n\} \) ? Or better, what is the object intrinsically dependent on the function \( \displaystyle f \) whose understanding would help us to solve this problem? This object turns out to be the subgroup \( \displaystyle H \) of \( \displaystyle S_n \) which consists of the permutations \( \displaystyle h \) with the following property: \( \displaystyle f(a_{h(\sigma(1))},...,a_{h(\sigma(n))}) = f(a_{\sigma(1)},...,a_{\sigma(n)}) \) for every \( \displaystyle \sigma \in S_n \) . Indeed, the elements of \( \displaystyle D \) correspond to the right cosets of \( \displaystyle H \) in \( \displaystyle S_n \) , thus the cardinality of \( \displaystyle D \) is just the index of \( \displaystyle H \) in \( \displaystyle S_n \) .

This means that problem (1) can be re-stated as follows:

(2) What are the possible indices of subgroups of \( \displaystyle S_n \) ?

A permutation group is a group \( \displaystyle G \) endowed with a faithful action (on the right) on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) (denote this action by \( \displaystyle \Omega \times G \ni (\omega,g) \mapsto \omega^g \in \Omega \) ). Equivalently, a permutation group on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) is a group \( \displaystyle G \) endowed with an injective homomorphism \( \displaystyle G \to \text{Sym}(\Omega) \) (cf. the basic theory on actions). The "degree" of the permutation group \( \displaystyle G \) is the size of \( \displaystyle \Omega \) . If the permutation group \( \displaystyle G \) is transitive (i. e. for every \( \displaystyle \omega_1,\omega_2 \in \Omega \) there exists \( \displaystyle g \in G \) such that \( \displaystyle \omega_1^g = \omega_2 \) ) then its action is equivalent to the action of right multiplication on the set of right cosets of a point stabilizer. In other words if \( \displaystyle \omega \in \Omega \) and \( \displaystyle G_{\omega} := \{g \in G\ |\ \omega^g = \omega\} \) then \( \displaystyle G_{\omega} g = G_{\omega^g} \) for every \( \displaystyle g \in G \) , and this means that we can think of the action of \( \displaystyle G \) on \( \displaystyle \Omega \) as the action of right multiplication on \( \displaystyle \{G_{\omega}g\ |\ g \in G\} \) . This implies that the degree of a transitive group is equal to the index of a point stabilizer, i.e. \( \displaystyle |\Omega| = |G:G_{\omega}| \) .

Therefore (2) can be re-stated as follows:

(3) What are the degrees of the faithful transitive actions of \( \displaystyle S_n \) ?

Indeed, since if \( \displaystyle n \geq 5 \) the only non-trivial normal subgroup of \( \displaystyle S_n \) is \( \displaystyle A_n \) , the non-trivial actions of \( \displaystyle S_n \) of degree at least \( \displaystyle 3 \) are faithful if \( \displaystyle n \geq 5 \) . Therefore assuming faithfulness is little loss of generality.

Clearly the action of a group \( \displaystyle G \) on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) is determined by its action on the orbits (the orbit of \( \displaystyle \omega \in \Omega \) is the set \( \displaystyle O_{\omega} := \{\omega^g\ |\ g \in G\} \) - clearly \( \displaystyle G \) acts transitively on \( \displaystyle O_{\omega} \) ), and this means that understanding actions amounts to understanding transitive actions.

Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a permutation group on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) . A "block" of this action is a subset \( \displaystyle B \) of \( \displaystyle \Omega \) with the following property: if \( \displaystyle g \in G \) and \( \displaystyle B^g \cap B \neq \emptyset \) then \( \displaystyle B^g=B \) . Clearly \( \displaystyle \Omega \) and \( \displaystyle \{\omega\} \) are blocks of \( \displaystyle G \) for every \( \displaystyle \omega \in \Omega \) . They are called the "trivial" blocks. Note that if \( \displaystyle B \) is a block then \( \displaystyle B^g \) is a block, and \( \displaystyle |B^g|=|B| \) , for every \( \displaystyle g \in G \) .

Let \( \displaystyle G \) be transitive, and call \( \displaystyle G_{\omega} \) the point stabilizer of \( \displaystyle \omega \in \Omega \) . Let \( \displaystyle B \) be a non-trivial block, and let \( \displaystyle G_B := \{g \in G\ |\ B^g=B\} \) be the stabilizer of \( \displaystyle B \) . Observe that:

(a) \( \displaystyle G \) acts transitively on the set \( \displaystyle \{B^x\ |\ x \in G\} \) by the rule \( \displaystyle (B^x,g) \mapsto B^{xg} \) .

(b) If \( \displaystyle \omega \in B \) then \( \displaystyle G_{\omega} \subseteq G_B \) .

(c) The action of \( \displaystyle G_B \) on \( \displaystyle B \) induced by \( \displaystyle G \) is transitive.

The union of the elements of a block of the action in (a) gives a block for \( \displaystyle G \) . Assume that \( \displaystyle B \) is a block of maximal size. Then the action in (a) has no non-trivial blocks. Such an action is called "primitive":

Definition. A permutation group \( \displaystyle G \) is called "primitive" if it does not admit non-trivial blocks.

Observe that the orbits of a permutation group are blocks, and this implies that every primitive permutation group of degree at least \( \displaystyle 3 \) is transitive.

We have just shown that every transitive permutation group \( \displaystyle G \) admits a block \( \displaystyle B \) such that the action of \( \displaystyle G \) on \( \displaystyle \{B^g\ |\ g \in G\} \) is primitive. Arguing in the exact same way for the (transitive) action of \( \displaystyle G_B \) on \( \displaystyle B \) , and iterating this process, we end up with a sequence of primitive permutation groups which we call "primitive components" of \( \displaystyle G \) . These components are not unique: they depend on the particular blocks we have chosen.

Summarizing, every transitive group can be understood by looking at the so-called "primitive components", permutation groups given by considering first the action of the group on the set of translates of a block, and then the action of the stabilizer of a block on the block. This allows to re-state (3) as follows:

(4) What are the degrees of the faithful primitive actions of \( \displaystyle S_n \) ?

As we have noticed, if \( \displaystyle B \) is a block for the transitive permutation group \( \displaystyle G \) and \( \displaystyle \omega \in B \) then \( \displaystyle G_{\omega} \subseteq G_B \) . This means that if the point stabilizer is a maximal subgroup then the action is primitive. Conversely, if the action is primitive and the point stabilizer \( \displaystyle H=G_{\omega} \) is contained in a proper subgroup \( \displaystyle K \) of \( \displaystyle G \) then the set \( \displaystyle \{Hk\ |\ k \in K\} \) is a block for \( \displaystyle G \) , hence it is trivial, i.e. \( \displaystyle Hk = H \) for every \( \displaystyle k \in K \) , i.e. \( \displaystyle H=K \) . This implies that \( \displaystyle H \) is a maximal subgroup of \( \displaystyle G \) . See also here. This means that the primitive actions of a group correspond to its maximal subgroups. This allows us to re-state (4) as follows:

(5) What are the possible indices of the maximal subgroups of \( \displaystyle S_n \) ?

The maximal subgroups of \( \displaystyle S_n \) are known in a satisfactory way: the O'Nan-Scott theorem (see here) provides a classification of them, thus it can be considered as a solution of (1).

C1 - The intrinsic point of view.

Given any group \( \displaystyle G \) and a subgroup \( \displaystyle H \leq G \) , consider its action \( \displaystyle \phi \) of right multiplication on the set of right cosets of \( \displaystyle H \) in \( \displaystyle G \) . The kernel of this action is \( \displaystyle H_G := \bigcap_{g \in G} g^{-1}Hg \) . \( \displaystyle H_G \) is called the "normal core" of \( \displaystyle H \) in \( \displaystyle G \) , and it coincides with the largest normal subgroup of \( \displaystyle G \) contained in \( \displaystyle H \) . In the following sense: every normal subgroup of \( \displaystyle G \) contained in \( \displaystyle H \) is contained in \( \displaystyle H_G \) . The action \( \displaystyle \phi \) is faithful if and only if \( \displaystyle H \) is "core-free" (i.e. \( \displaystyle H_G = \{1\} \) ), it is primitive if and only if \( \displaystyle H \) is maximal. Therefore, \( \displaystyle \phi \) makes \( \displaystyle G \) a primitive permutation group if and only if \( \displaystyle H \) is a core-free maximal subgroup of \( \displaystyle G \) , and the primitivity degrees of \( \displaystyle G \) are just the indices of its core-free maximal subgroups.

For example, the primitivity degrees of \( \displaystyle S_5 \) are \( \displaystyle 5 \) (point stabilizers), \( \displaystyle 6 \) (normalizers of \( \displaystyle 5 \) -Sylow subgroups), \( \displaystyle 10 \) (intransitive subgroups of type \( \displaystyle S_3 \times S_2 \) ).

For example, the primitivity degrees of \( \displaystyle S_6 \) are \( \displaystyle 6 \) (point stabilizers and subgroups isomorphic to \( \displaystyle S_5 \) acting on their six \( \displaystyle 5 \) -Sylow subgroups), \( \displaystyle 15 \) (intransitive subgroups of type \( \displaystyle S_4 \times S_2 \) and imprimitive subgroups of type \( \displaystyle S_2 \wr S_3 \) ), \( \displaystyle 20 \) (intransitive subgroups of type \( \displaystyle S_3 \times S_3 \) ), \( \displaystyle 10 \) (imprimitive subgroups of type \( \displaystyle S_3 \wr S_2 \) ).
Remark. The existence of a subgroup \( \displaystyle H \) of \( \displaystyle S_6 \) of index \( \displaystyle 6 \) which is not a point-stabilizer provides an (outer!) automorphism of \( \displaystyle S_6 \) given by the action of right multiplication of \( \displaystyle S_6 \) on the six right cosets of \( \displaystyle H \) in \( \displaystyle S_6 \) : cf. here.

For example, any solvable primitive permutation group has prime power degree (cf. here).

C2 - Examples.

Now I'll list some examples of primitive groups, which you may like to work out:

1. The cyclic group \( \displaystyle \langle (1 \ldots n) \rangle \cong C_n \) acting in the natural way on \( \displaystyle \{1, \ldots, n\} \) is primitive if and only if \( \displaystyle n \) is a prime.

2. The symmetric group \( \displaystyle S_n \) and the alternating group \( \displaystyle A_n \) acting in the natural way on \( \displaystyle \{1, \ldots ,n\} \) .

3. The group of isometries of \( \displaystyle \mathbb{R}^n \) acting in the natural way on \( \displaystyle \mathbb{R}^n \) .

For the following exercises recall the "counting principle": if a group \( \displaystyle G \) acts on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) and \( \displaystyle \omega \in \Omega \) then the size of the orbit of \( \displaystyle \omega \) equals the index of its stabilizer: \( \displaystyle |O_G(\omega)| = |G:\text{Stab}_G(\omega)| \) .

C3 - Exercise set 1.

E1-1. Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a primitive group, and let \( \displaystyle N \) be a non-trivial normal subgroup of \( \displaystyle G \) . Show that \( \displaystyle N \) is transitive.

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Prove that the \( \displaystyle N \) -orbits are blocks for \( \displaystyle G \) .
E1-2. Let \( \displaystyle G \) be any permutation group, and let \( \displaystyle H \) be a transitive subgroup of \( \displaystyle G \) . Prove that \( \displaystyle C_G(H) := \{g \in G\ |\ gh=hg\ \forall h \in H\} \) is semi-regular.

[Recall that a permutation group \( \displaystyle X \) on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) is called semi-regular if \( \displaystyle \text{Stab}_X(\omega) = \{1\} \) for every \( \displaystyle \omega \in \Omega \) .]

E1-3. Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a primitive group.
(a) If \( \displaystyle G \) admits two non-trivial normal subgroups \( \displaystyle N_1,N_2 \) such that \( \displaystyle N_1 \cap N_2 = \{1\} \) then every non-trivial normal subgroup of \( \displaystyle G \) contains either \( \displaystyle N_1 \) or \( \displaystyle N_2 \) .
(b) If \( \displaystyle G \) admits a non-trivial abelian normal subgroup then the intersection of the non-trivial normal subgroups of \( \displaystyle G \) is non-trivial.
(c) If you like, prove that (b) holds even replacing "abelian" with "solvable".

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Use the previous exercises. For the solvable case try to reduce to the abelian case.
E1-4. Prove that 3(b) is false in general if \( \displaystyle G \) has no non-trivial solvable normal subgroups.
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Take a non-abelian simple group \( \displaystyle S \) and consider \( \displaystyle G := S \times S \) .
E1-5. Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a primitive perfect group, and assume that its point stabilizers are solvable. Then \( \displaystyle G \) is simple.

[Recall that a group \( \displaystyle X \) is called "perfect" if \( \displaystyle X'=X \) , where \( \displaystyle X' \) is the derived subgroup - equivalently, a group is called perfect if it has no non-trivial abelian quotients.]

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Consider a non-trivial normal subgroup \( \displaystyle N \) of \( \displaystyle G \) and prove that \( \displaystyle G/N \) is solvable. Prove that this contradicts perfectness.
E1-6. Show that if a primitive group \( \displaystyle G \) of degree \( \displaystyle n \) contains a transposition then \( \displaystyle G=S_n \) .

E1-7. A permutation group \( \displaystyle G \) on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) is called \( \displaystyle 2 \) -transitive if its action on the set \( \displaystyle \{(\alpha,\beta)\ |\ \alpha,\beta \in \Omega,\ \alpha \neq \beta\} \) given by \( \displaystyle (\alpha,\beta)^g := (\alpha^g,\beta^g) \) is transitive. Prove that every \( \displaystyle 2 \) -transitive permutation group is primitive.

C4 - More on primitive groups.

Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a transitive permutation group on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) . The "suborbits" of \( \displaystyle G \) are the orbits of a point stabilizer \( \displaystyle G_{\omega} \) acting on \( \displaystyle \Omega-\{\omega\} \) . The "subdegrees" of \( \displaystyle G \) are the sizes of its suborbits.

Exercise: the transitive permutation group \( \displaystyle G \) is 2-transitive if and only if \( \displaystyle G_{\omega} \) acts transitively on \( \displaystyle \Omega-\{\omega\} \) .

Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a transitive permutation group on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) . \( \displaystyle G \) acts on the cartesian product \( \displaystyle \Omega \times \Omega \) as follows: \( \displaystyle (\alpha,\beta)^g := (\alpha^g,\beta^g) \) . The orbits of this action are called "orbitals" of \( \displaystyle G \) , we denote them by \( \displaystyle \Gamma_0,...,\Gamma_{r-1} \) , where \( \displaystyle \Gamma_0 \) is the trivial orbital \( \displaystyle \{(\alpha,\alpha)\ |\ \alpha \in \Omega\} \) .

Fix \( \displaystyle \alpha \in \Omega \) . There is a canonical bijective correspondence between the set of orbitals of \( \displaystyle G \) and the set of suborbits: the orbital \( \displaystyle \Gamma_i \) corresponds to the suborbit \( \displaystyle \Gamma_i(\alpha):=\{\beta \in \Omega\ |\ (\alpha,\beta) \in \Gamma_i\} \) ; the suborbit \( \displaystyle \Delta \) corresponds to the orbital \( \displaystyle \{(\alpha^g,\delta^g)\ |\ \delta \in \Delta,\ g \in G\} \) . Let \( \displaystyle n_i:=|\Gamma_i(\alpha)| \) for \( \displaystyle i=0,...,r-1 \) . Let us order the \( \displaystyle n_i \) 's in such a way that \( \displaystyle 1=n_0 \leq n_1 \leq ... \leq n_{r-1} \) . The number \( \displaystyle r \) is the rank of \( \displaystyle G \) .

For example, a transitive permutation group is 2-transitive if and only if it has rank 2.

Some results follow.

Theorem 1. If \( \displaystyle G \) is primitive then \( \displaystyle n_1 n_{i-1} \geq n_i \) for every \( \displaystyle 2 \leq i \leq r-1 \) .

Theorem 2 (Marie Weiss). Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a primitive group of degree \( \displaystyle n \) , different from \( \displaystyle C_p \) of degree \( \displaystyle p \) prime. If \( \displaystyle 1 \leq i,j \leq r-1 \) are such that \( \displaystyle (n_i,n_j)=1 \) then there exists \( \displaystyle k \in \{1,...,r-1\} \) such that \( \displaystyle n_k > n_i \) , \( \displaystyle n_k > n_j \) and \( \displaystyle n_k \) divides \( \displaystyle n_in_j \) .

Corollary. Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a primitive groups different from \( \displaystyle C_p \) of degree \( \displaystyle p \) prime. Then \( \displaystyle (n_{r-1},n_i) \neq 1 \) for every \( \displaystyle 1 \leq i \leq r-1 \) .

With such results one is able to prove things of the following flavour.

Example: every primitive group of degree \( \displaystyle 8 \) has rank \( \displaystyle 2 \) .
Proof. The subdegrees must be \( \displaystyle n_0=1,n_1,...,n_{r-1} \) with \( \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{r-1}n_i=8-1=7 \) and \( \displaystyle (n_i,n_{r-1}) \neq 1 \) for every \( \displaystyle i=1,...,r-1 \) . The only possibility is \( \displaystyle r=2 \) and \( \displaystyle n_1=7 \) .

C5 - The O'Nan-Scott Theorem: some details.

The O'Nan-Scott theorem (cf. here) provides a classification of the maximal subgroups of the symmetric group \( \displaystyle \text{Sym}(n) \) . Roughly, a maximal subgroup \( \displaystyle G \) of \( \displaystyle \text{Sym}(n) \) can be of three types:

1) Intransitive, i.e. admitting a non-trivial orbit. In this case there exist \( \displaystyle I_1,I_2 \) proper non-empty subsets of \( \displaystyle \{1,\ldots,n\} \) such that \( \displaystyle G \) is the direct product of their pointwise stabilizers: \( \displaystyle G = \text{Stab}(I_1) \times \text{Stab}(I_2) \cong \text{Sym}(a) \times \text{Sym}(b) \) , where \( \displaystyle |I_1|=b \) and \( \displaystyle |I_2|=a \) . Clearly \( \displaystyle a+b=n \) .

Remark. Note that the index of a maximal intransitive subgroup \( \displaystyle \text{Sym}(a) \times \text{Sym}(b) \) of \( \displaystyle \text{Sym}(n) \) is just the binomial coefficient \( \displaystyle \binom{n}{a} \) .

2) Imprimitive, i.e. transitive but not primitive. In this case there exists a non-trivial block \( \displaystyle B \subset \{1,\ldots,n\} \) , let \( \displaystyle a \) be its cardinality. Call \( \displaystyle H := \{g \in G\ |\ g(B)=B\} \) the stabilizer of the block \( \displaystyle B \) , and call \( \displaystyle B_1=B,\ldots,B_b \) the \( \displaystyle G \) -translates of \( \displaystyle B \) , \( \displaystyle \pi:G \to \text{Sym}(b) \) the homomorphism induced by the action of \( \displaystyle G \) on \( \displaystyle \{B_1,\ldots,B_b\} \) (where \( \displaystyle B_i \) is identified with \( \displaystyle i \) ), and let \( \displaystyle K := \pi(G) \leq \text{Sym}(b) \) . It is easy to see that \( \displaystyle G \) embeds in the wreath product \( \displaystyle H \wr K \) and \( \displaystyle ab=n \) . Modulo some details, this proves that a maximal imprimitive subgroup of \( \displaystyle \text{Sym}(n) \) is of the form \( \displaystyle \text{Sym}(a) \wr \text{Sym}(b) \) where \( \displaystyle ab=n \) , \( \displaystyle a \) is the size of a block with \( \displaystyle b \) translates.

Remark. Note that the index of a maximal imprimitive subgroup \( \displaystyle \text{Sym}(a) \wr \text{Sym}(b) \) is \( \displaystyle n!/(a!^b b!) \) . In particular, this implies that if \( \displaystyle a,b \) are positive integers then \( \displaystyle a!^b b! \) divides \( \displaystyle (ab)! \) .

3) Primitive.

This means that what the O'Nan-Scott Theorem really is, is a classification of the primitive permutation groups.

C5-1 - About the classification of primitive permutation groups.

Recall that a "minimal normal subgroup" of a group is a non-trivial normal subgroup minimal with respect to inclusion. Note that every finite group admits minimal normal subgroups. By Lemmas D and E here, a minimal normal subgroup is of the form \( \displaystyle S \times \ldots \times S = S^n \) where \( \displaystyle S \) is a minimal sub-normal subgroup (in particular, \( \displaystyle S \) is simple). A group is called "monolithic" if it has a unique minimal normal subgroup.

Exercise. Prove that a monolithic group with non-abelian minimal normal subgroup is primitive (i.e. admits a core-free maximal subgroup).
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Use the fact that the Frattini subgroup of a finite group is nilpotent (cf. here).

Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a primitive permutation group, and let \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \) (the socle of \( \displaystyle G \) ) denote the subgroup generated by the minimal normal subgroups of \( \displaystyle G \) . If \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \) is abelian then by E1-3(b) \( \displaystyle G \) is monolithic. If \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \) is non-abelian then by E1-3(a) \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \) is either monolithic or of the form \( \displaystyle N_1 \times N_2 \) where \( \displaystyle N_1,N_2 \) are non-abelian minimal normal subgroups.

Suppose from now on that \( \displaystyle G \) is a monolithic primitive group with non-abelian socle. Write \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) = S_1 \times \ldots \times S_n = S \times \ldots S = S^n \) , where \( \displaystyle S \) is a non-abelian simple group. Let \( \displaystyle N := N_G(S_1) \) and \( \displaystyle C := C_G(S_1) \) be respectively the normalizer and the centralizer in \( \displaystyle G \) of the first factor \( \displaystyle S_1 \) . Let \( \displaystyle X := N/C \) . By considering the conjugation action of \( \displaystyle S \) on itself, it is easy to see that \( \displaystyle S \leq X \leq \text{Aut}(S) \) .

Exercise. The normal subgroups of \( \displaystyle S^n \) are of the type \( \displaystyle \prod_{i \in I} S_i \) where \( \displaystyle I \subseteq \{1, \ldots, n\} \) .

It follows that the minimal normal subgroups of \( \displaystyle S_1 \times \ldots \times S_n \) are the \( \displaystyle n \) factors \( \displaystyle S_1, \ldots, S_n \) . This implies that the conjugation action of \( \displaystyle G \) on \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \) induces an action on \( \displaystyle \{1,\ldots,n\} \) given by \( \displaystyle (i,g) \mapsto i^g \) where \( \displaystyle S_i^g = S_{i^g} \) . This gives a homomorphism \( \displaystyle \rho:G \to \text{Sym}(n) \) . Observe that the fact that \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \) is a minimal normal subgroup of \( \displaystyle G \) translates into the fact that \( \displaystyle \rho(G) \) is a transitive subgroup of \( \displaystyle \text{Sym}(n) \) (distinct orbits would correspond to smaller normal subgroups).

Since \( \displaystyle G \) is primitive, it admits a core-free maximal subgroup \( \displaystyle U \) . Since \( \displaystyle U \) is core-free, \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \not \subseteq U \) , so \( \displaystyle U < \text{soc}(G) U \leq G \) , and since \( \displaystyle U \) is maximal \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) U = G \) . Note that the primitivity degree of \( \displaystyle G \) associated to \( \displaystyle U \) is \( \displaystyle |G:U| = |\text{soc}(G) U:U| = |\text{soc}(G):U \cap \text{soc}(G)| \) . Moreover since \( \displaystyle G=\text{soc}(G)U \) and \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \) acts trivially on the factors \( \displaystyle S_1,\ldots,S_n \) , \( \displaystyle U \) acts transitively on \( \displaystyle \{1,\ldots,n\} \) , i.e. \( \displaystyle \rho(U) \) is transitive. Call \( \displaystyle \pi_i:S^n \to S_i \) the projection onto the \( \displaystyle i \) -th factor. Let \( \displaystyle i,j \in \{1,\ldots,n\} \) , and let \( \displaystyle u \in U \) send \( \displaystyle i \) to \( \displaystyle j \) . Let \( \displaystyle H := U \cap \text{soc}(G) \) . Then we have an isomorphism

\( \displaystyle \pi_i(H) \cong H/\ker(\pi_i|_H) \to H/\ker(\pi_j|_H) \cong \pi_j(H) \) .

Since \( \displaystyle \rho(U) \) is transitive, we obtain that \( \displaystyle \pi_1(H) \cong \ldots \cong \pi_n(H) \) . There are three possibilities for \( \displaystyle Y := \pi_1(H) \) .

1) Complement type. \( \displaystyle Y = \{1\} \) . Then \( \displaystyle H = \{1\} \) , i.e. \( \displaystyle U \) complements \( \displaystyle \text{soc}(G) \) in \( \displaystyle G \) .

2) Diagonal type. \( \displaystyle Y = S \) . Then \( \displaystyle \pi_1|_H,\ldots,\pi_n|_H \) are surjective. Observe that if \( \displaystyle i,j \in \{1,\ldots,n\} \) then \( \displaystyle \pi_i(\ker(\pi_j|_H)) \unlhd S_i \) . It is not difficult to deduce that there are a number \( \displaystyle \ell \) dividing \( \displaystyle n \) and \( \displaystyle \ell \) diagonals \( \displaystyle \Delta_1,\ldots,\Delta_{\ell} \) such that \( \displaystyle H = \Delta_1 \times \ldots \times \Delta_{\ell} \) .

3) Product type. \( \displaystyle \{1\} < Y < S \) . There exist \( \displaystyle u_1,\ldots,u_n \in U \) such that \( \displaystyle \pi_i(H) = Y^{u_i} \) for \( \displaystyle i=1,\ldots,n \) . Up to conjugate suitably we may assume that \( \displaystyle u_1 = \ldots = u_n = 1 \) . In particular \( \displaystyle Y^n \supseteq H \) . To show that equality holds it suffices to show that \( \displaystyle Y^n U = U \) , i.e. (recall that \( \displaystyle U \) is maximal in \( \displaystyle G \) ) that \( \displaystyle Y^n U \neq G \) . Suppose not. Take \( \displaystyle g \in \text{soc}(G) \) outside \( \displaystyle Y^n \) , and choose \( \displaystyle u \in U, y \in Y^n \) such that \( \displaystyle g = yu \) . Then \( \displaystyle u = y^{-1}g \in \text{soc}(G) \) , so \( \displaystyle u \in H \subseteq Y^n \) , hence \( \displaystyle g \in Y^n \) , a contradiction. Therefore \( \displaystyle H = Y \times Y^{u_2} \times \ldots \times Y^{u_n} \) .

To be continued...

C6 - Exercise set 2.

E2-1. Let \( \displaystyle G \) be a primitive permutation group on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) , and let \( \displaystyle \alpha \in \Omega \) . Assume that \( \displaystyle G \) has \( \displaystyle 3 \) as a subdegree, and let \( \displaystyle \{\beta,\gamma,\delta\} \) be a suborbit of size \( \displaystyle 3 \) . Then the stabilizer of \( \displaystyle \beta \) in \( \displaystyle G_{\alpha} \) is a \( \displaystyle 2 \) -group. [cf. here].

E2-2. Let \( \displaystyle G \) a primitive permutation group on a set \( \displaystyle \Omega \) , with \( \displaystyle |\Omega| = n \geq 2 \) . Let \( \displaystyle x \in \Omega \) , and assume \( \displaystyle G_x = \text{Stab}_G(x) \) is abelian. Prove that \( \displaystyle |G_x| \leq n-1 \) .
Suppose now that \( \displaystyle n = p^m \) is a prime power. Prove that the Sylow \( \displaystyle p \) -subgroups of \( \displaystyle G \) are normal in \( \displaystyle G \) , elementary abelian and they supplement \( \displaystyle G_x \) .

C7 - Further results and remarks.

R1. A corollary of a theorem of Jordan [Cameron, "Permutation Groups", Theorem 6.15]. Let \( \displaystyle p \) be a prime, and let \( \displaystyle G \) be a primitive subgroup of \( \displaystyle S_n \) containing a \( \displaystyle p \) -cycle. Then \( \displaystyle G \) is \( \displaystyle (n-p+1) \) -transitive. If \( \displaystyle n>p+2 \) then \( \displaystyle G \supseteq A_n \) .

Note that R1 implies E1-6.

R2. Primitive groups of degree \( \displaystyle n \) not containing \( \displaystyle A_n \) have order at most \( \displaystyle 4^n \) (reference), so they are "small".

PS. Thank you for pointing out mistakes and misprints. :)
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Iscritto il: 21/07/2007, 10:48
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